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Singles in Frankston

As cheesy as it sounds - we want to help you find love. The right person for you is out there, we're sure of it. Finding the right person for you is tough though. There seems like endless pulls on your time, with work and other commitments - it's hard to find time find for yourself and your love life. Justsaygday is an exclusively Australian online dating site. Find your perfect match in Frankston with a dating site just for you.

If you can never seem to find the time to look for date, you can use our new mobile app while you're on the go. Any time you've got two minutes to spare you can check in quickly to reply to messages or look for new members close by. With its location aware feature you can quickly find people in Frankston.

Single girls in Frankston

There is no need to be single any more. We have a wealth of single guys in Frankston or all age groups looking for that special lady. Could that someone special be you? Sign up for free to find out.

Single guys

We have girls searching for single men in Frankston every day. Your dream date could be searching for you as you read this. Join today and see who's online.

It's simple to get started you sign up for a free trial (we don't ask for and payment details up front). You can have a look around at other people's profiles and see who else is using the site and who's around Frankston. You can add details to your profile and see who contacts you. If you think the service will be useful or there's some people you'd really like to contact then you can sign up for one of our memberships.

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