Year: 2013

  • Dating When Ill

    Dating When Ill

    I was talking with a friend who is fighting a quite serious illness and he was moaning about how difficult it is to date under these conditions. I was somewhat bemused by this and told him most people would rather concentrate on just getting better. Indeed, many people with serious illnesses lose their libido quite…

  • Deal-breaker Moments

    Deal-breaker Moments

    We’ve all had them – that moment where you’re all ready to jump into the fray and move from on-line flirting to meeting them in the flesh for that first date. The banter might be good. They can make you laugh with their cheeky ways. You get that little buzz when you know they’re on-line…

  • Should You Respond?

    Should You Respond?

    I have to admit I was a bit thrown the other week when someone I’d sent a quick message to actually came back to me. I wasn’t thrown because they responded (I’m not that bad at this), but more because of what they said. The email said simply: “Hey, no thanks, but good luck, keep…

  • Aussies Prove Size Matters – But Not How You Think

    Aussies Prove Size Matters – But Not How You Think

    Australian researchers recently showed that guys who are well endowed really are more attractive to women. Just like any other physical attribute, male genitalia are subject to sexual selection, and certainly before we all started wearing clothes it really would have all been out, front and centre for prospective mates to assess. This is why…

  • Casual Dating Isn’t A Dirty Word

    Casual Dating Isn’t A Dirty Word

    There’s a lot of people who, if you ask them about casual dating, will tell you that it’s just a way of looking for a cheap thrill. There can be an expectation of sex being pretty much laid out on a plate and that casual daters embody everything that’s wrong with the dating scene. There’s…

  • Eight Mistakes You Might Be Making While Dating

    Eight Mistakes You Might Be Making While Dating

    It’s never easy to throw yourself into the dating game, but if you’re finding that it’s all turned into a bit of a grind, it might be worth stopping and taking stock. A lot of the mistakes we make when dating are really quite obvious to everyone else – but it’s a lot harder to…

  • Alcohol Free Dating

    Alcohol Free Dating

    First dates are always going to be nerve-wrecking. You can’t get away from all the stresses and strains associated with meeting someone for the first time, so it’s no wonder that many of us choose to hit the pub to take the edge off. A few glasses of wine might seem like a good idea,…

  • Are Relationships The New Taboo?

    Are Relationships The New Taboo?

    An American sociologist called Leslie Bell has produced a book recently about the difficulties some young women are making for themselves by treating relationships as something of a taboo. The book: “Hard To Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom” looks at recent trends tied to people’s focus in recent years on their…

  • Old Dogs, New Tricks?

    Old Dogs, New Tricks?

    Australia is one of the most prosperous countries in the world at the moment, and our standards of living are definitely on the up. One of the measures of that standard of living is that we’re all living longer. Is it any surprise then that our older citizens are making the most of it? There’s…

  • Eight Things To Watch Out For In Your Date

    Eight Things To Watch Out For In Your Date

    As anyone can tell you, true love takes time and effort. The search for true love, even more so. Online dating can and does bring us into contact with some amazing people, it’s true, but what about the not-so-amazing people out there? It’s sad to say that I have to put my hand up to…

  • The Aussie Food Revolution

    The Aussie Food Revolution

    For years, we’ve had a somewhat rugged and rustic reputation internationally for our food. You’d have been forgiven for thinking we had a national diet of meat pies, vegemite and sausage rolls, but recently we’ve been through something of a food revolution, and when you take someone out on a date, you can be confident…

  • Do scarlet women get all the views?

    Do scarlet women get all the views?

    A recent book, Drunk Tank Pink, by a New York University professor of marketing looks at, among other things, how colour affects the way people behave, think and feel. Somewhat intriguingly, the book’s findings suggest that the colour red gets the most positive responses from people in pretty much every example. A survey of men,…

  • A New Web Series…about Grindr?

    A New Web Series…about Grindr?

    A lot of dating sites have developed apps for smartphones and tablets that are aimed at helping their members get in touch, but few apps have proved as popular or contentious as Grindr. Grindr has captured the hearts of gay men around the world, and has a reported user base of some 150000 men in…

  • Eleven Dates, Eleven Meals

    Eleven Dates, Eleven Meals

    If there’s one thing the surveys and our own experiences are showing us, it’s that we are even more interested in dining when we go for a date than we have been ever before. It’s easy to be complacent though and assume that a dinner date is pretty standardised. The truth couldn’t be more different.…

  • Getting That Second Date

    Getting That Second Date

    So we all know that first dates are pretty stressful, what with trying to find that elusive balance between being impressive and not overwhelming your date. Some people liken the whole experience to being at a job interview. If you get the balance wrong, you end up either arguing within five minutes of starting out,…