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Just say g'day to local singles looking for fun excitement and romance in your area right now

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Online dating Australia

Welcome to Justsaygday - we help single Aussies all over Yalardy make connections, start new relationships and find love. Justsaygday is a simple uncomplicated dating site. Our aim is to help find you that special person and set your heart racing. Being a fast growing site we have new members everyday so you're options are always expanding. If you would like to know more about us please read on. Or if you're feeling adventurous there's a free trial to let you see what we do.

Fast, easy to use and above all.. fun!

Connect with local singles wherever you are with our free smartphone application. Search, browse and connect with singles in Yalardy with ease.

Tired of the same old dating websites with dull features, inactive profiles and poor to non-existent customer support? We believe online dating needn't be boring, or intimidating. Try a more fun approach to online dating with our fun games, compatibility reports and competitions.

  • 'Who's near me' this allows users to find potential matches nearby without disclosing their exact location or displaying any personally identifiable information.
  • 'YES, NO, MAYBE' search members profiles in a completely new, fun way and indicate to the ones who take your fancy that you are interested or just have some fun checking out other members photos
  • Send icebreakers, winks and virtual gifts. A great way to introduce yourself especially if you are a bit shy.
  • Automated profile matching and astrological matching. Let our high-tech matching algorithms suggest members you may like to check out
  • See who's online when you are and who's visited your profile

The single life is fun, you can do what you want when you want - but it's also nice to share those experiences with someone, to have someone to be there for you no matter what. We want to help you find that special person. is an online dating site dedicated to helping Aussies finding love and romance.

Start by creating your free, photo profile to browse and search members in Yalardy. As a member you will be visable to members all over Australia who match your age range, interests and location.

Dating for everyone

Anyone can register a free account which allows them to create their own profile including a photo or video, they also get access to other areas of the site including member search, diaries and limited messaging. If you want to send and receive unlimited messages you will be asked to upgrade to paid membership for a nominal fee. Charging a fee for premium membership allows us to continually improve our site and customer support team while keeping time wasters and scammers out. Our free trial membership is a great way to see if is the right dating site for you.

If you are over 50, you might want to consider registering for our dedicated mature dating site, developed for the needs of mature singles who may feel more comfortable amongst members of a similar age range.

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Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.