Should You Respond?

I have to admit I was a bit thrown the other week when someone I’d sent a quick message to actually came back to me. I wasn’t thrown because they responded (I’m not that bad at this), but more because of what they said. The email said simply: “Hey, no thanks, but good luck, keep trying.”

I kind of didn’t know how to take that. I’m far more used to not responding or not getting a response from people if they aren’t interested – it just avoids awkward conversations that can lead to long dissections of why you aren’t interested in some weird attempt to talk you round.

I know a few people who say, on the other hand, that they prefer getting some kind of response. I can understand that when you stop to think about how isolating it can be to be dating online. Sometimes a rejection is better than just silence.

It seems to be a bit of a balancing act to be honest, but perhaps an approach to take is to pay attention to who’s been looking at your profile and give them a bit more attention and customisation than the random blip that appears in your notifications.

I guess really we’re looking at the best compromise between the investment of your time and any unnecessary emotional upset. If you do find it’s all getting a bit much, well take a break. Go for a walk and take the day off to do something you enjoy. Then you can come back and have another go.

Good Luck!



