Month: August 2013

  • Handling Relationship Timings

    Handling Relationship Timings

    How can you tell if you’re going to fall in love? It is surely one of the great mysteries of life, given that it is almost a guarantee that it will happen, but you have no way of telling when, or where, or how. You can almost certainly expect the other person to be in…

  • Getting and Keeping Your Mojo

    Getting and Keeping Your Mojo

    Have you ever noticed how things can pass you by for ages, and then suddenly a crop of coincidences will keep you hearing the same song, or seeing the same model of car or seeing the same time on the clock each day? In part it’s down to our ability to recognise patterns, and it’s…

  • The Funny Thing About Dating

    The Funny Thing About Dating

    It should go without saying that we’re not all capable of being a headline stand-up comedy act, or of being able to hold a whole room rapt with attention as a raconteur of shaggy dog stories, but being able to share your sense of humour with a new date can go a long way in…

  • Learning to Wing It

    Learning to Wing It

    It’s a staple of jokes, fiction, and early evening worries; but there might just be some benefit to the concept of having a wingman when it comes to dating. When surveyed, nearly half the people asked recently confirmed that they believed that having someone by their side when out on the town hugely increases their…

  • Getting the Balance in Relationships Right

    Getting the Balance in Relationships Right

    By and large when we first meet someone, we’re pretty keen to be on the same page when it comes to issues of control and the balance of power within the relationship. Both people want to make a good impression, and so the decision making and compromises tend to switch back and forth between them.…

  • What Do Your Shoes Say About You?

    What Do Your Shoes Say About You?

    Fashion and dating gurus have been talking this week about the impact of the shoes you wear on your first meeting with someone. Some interesting opinions have been expressed above and beyond explaining the belief that well maintained and clean shoes demonstrate a care and attention that transfer into how people maintain their relationships: Street…

  • The Search for The One

    The Search for The One

    Romance is alive and well in Australia according to a recent report. This year’s Date of the Nation report has surveyed online daters and found that over three quarters of the people asked are actively looking to spend the rest of their lives with ‘The One’. Even more interestingly, and counter to the scare stories…